Thank you so very much to all those who offered well wishes, prayers, and interest in my latest project! Your prayers made the difference! ... no rain, and a lot accomplished under a very tight schedule! I made it home safely, and as my weary body unpacked gear and bags from the car, all I wanted to do was take a nap and go right back and do it again!! :D
Incredible & EPIC day...really was a week crammed into one day. It was enough to make anyone go cross-eyed...but with the stellar crew I had assembled, we managed to accomplish most of all I had hopes for.
We truly needed another week to get in everything, but this rare and valuable opportunity, even if just for a day, was worth every penny, every sweat bead, every stress moment, and every shutter click! :D
Thank you to American Dakota for your interest in my work, and your asking me to showcase your awesome products!! I had the most incredible staff, and gained so much from each of their input, talents, and efforts! THANK YOU Molly, Becca, Nikki, Loretta, Sarah, Laurel, Matthew, and Clif, (& pup Pepper too!)!!! <3
JodieB Creative Concept Series ~ "American Dakota"
© Jodie Baxendale
JodieB Photography by Jodie Baxendale