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Dimensions1920 x 1080
Original file size301 MB
Image typeUnknown

Thank you so very much to all those who offered well wishes, prayers, and interest in my latest project! Your prayers made the difference! ... no rain, and a lot accomplished under a very tight schedule! I made it home safely, and as my weary body unpacked gear and bags from the car, all I wanted to do was take a nap and go right back and do it again!! :D
Incredible & EPIC day...really was a week crammed into one day. It was enough to make anyone go cross-eyed...but with the stellar crew I had assembled, we managed to accomplish most of all I had hopes for.
We truly needed another week to get in everything, but this rare and valuable opportunity, even if just for a day, was worth every penny, every sweat bead, every stress moment, and every shutter click! :D
Thank you to American Dakota for your interest in my work, and your asking me to showcase your awesome products!! I had the most incredible staff, and gained so much from each of their input, talents, and efforts! THANK YOU Molly​, Becca​, Nikki​, Loretta​, Sarah, Laurel​, Matthew​, and Clif, (& pup Pepper too!)!!! <3
JodieB Creative Concept Series ~ "American Dakota"
© Jodie Baxendale
JodieB Photography by Jodie Baxendale​